Черевань Татьяна
on arts since 2009
Total Rating
March 30, 2010, exhibition \ "
8 -
March 30, 2010, exhibition \ "
3 -
April 3, 2010, Paris, MO serie
4 -
gallery \ "Art - miss \", Pari
3 -
March 4, 2010, presentation se
8 -
2009 October 9, Republicans
9 4 -
2009 October 9, Republicans
4 1 -
2009 October 9, Republicans
5 -
2009 September 24, Vseukrains
7 1 -
2009 September 24, Vseukrains
9 2 -
2009 March 6, \ "Wild and Peac
9 1 -
2009 March 6, \ "Wild and Peac
6 3 -
2009 February 14, \ "Internal
5 -
2009 February 14, \ "Internal
4 -
2009 February 14, \ "Internal
4 -
2008 November, \ "Intermission