Черевань Татьяна
on arts since 2009
Total Rating
Waiting for a miracle (diptych
31 10 -
Waiting for a miracle
13 4 -
She came
5 -
The edge of what is permitted
10 3 -
Kiss formula
13 2 -
Caramel mood
12 1 -
Opening of the exhibition. Ver
4 1 -
Underwater patterns (diptych)
11 3 -
The magic sounds of the violin
19 -
A secret
17 -
Triptych "Love is a choice" (2
19 -
drop caps for each chapter
4 -
drop caps for each chapter
3 -
drop caps for each chapter
3 -
my cover option
3 -
Countess Tiramisu
2 -
Blue bird
2 -
Strahitluk fish
5 -
Prince of Elves
2 -