You have told
oil on canvas In this picture the culmination moment of the trial over Jesus Christ at highpriest Kaiafa has been impressed. In the center of the composition we see Christ, an ex-highprist Anna, gripped Christ by his rough hand, and Kaiafa, tearing his clothes. After some sterile interrogations His prosecutors finally confused, embarrassed and got furious. Why you answer anything? - exclaimed Kaiafa. - That they are testifying against you? But Jusus remained calm. At last Kaiafa put his right hand up to the sky and appealed to Jesus solemnly:Adjure you by Got alive, tell us if you are Christ, God's Son? All those present having fixed their eyes on Christ, prepared to listen intently to Him, and He answered:You have told. It seemed that the heaven light had lit up His pale face when He added:Even tell you: henceforth, behold the Human Son sitting on God's right hand and coming on the heaven clouds. Christ's words frightened Kaiafa, he was infuriated, the satanic fury overpowered him, and having torn his clothes with feigned indignation, he demanded that the prisoner was convicted immideatly, without delay for blasphemy. The Prince of Darkness Lucifier was watching all of that and was directing his angry energies. Standing ubsolutely quietly, Jesus felt in wordly that He wasn't there any more He was in heaven with His Father. And He didn't worry about the storming horrors around Him any more.