Bogomater' s mladentsem Khristom i sv. Iosifom u vkhoda v peshcheru prinimayut dary trekh volkhvov. Zoloto daryat Khristu kak tsaryu, ladan kak pervosvyashchenniku, smirnu kak cheloveku, kotoryy rodilsya, no smerten.V nebesakh sonm angelov privetstvuyet rozhdestvo Messii.V tsentre nebes siyayet Vifliyemskaya zvezda, tsentral'nyy luch kotoroy simvoliziruyet yedinstvo bozhestvennoy i chelovecheskoy prirody Khrista. Vmeste s luchom spuskayetsya v nimbe golub' Sv. Dukha. Kompozitsiya vypolnena v tonko modelirovannom rel'yefe, v traditsiyakh ukrainskogo barokko i posledovatel'no razvernuta v trinadtsati prostranstvennykh planakh. The Virgin with the Child Jesus and St. Joseph at the entrance to the cave take the gifts of the Magi. Gold is presented to Christ as a king, frankincense as a priest, myrrh as a person who was born, but a host of angels in heaven smerten.V welcomes Christmas Messii.V heaven shines Vifliemskaya center of the star, the central beam which symbolizes the unity of the divine and human natures of Christ. At the beam down in a nimbus of St.. Spirit dove. The composition is made into fine relief simulated in the Ukrainian baroque tradition and consistently deployed in thirteen spatial plans.