Gorodasela - City dream

published on Dec 01, 15

author This work is a record of Ukraine recorded by the National Registry of Records in the category of the biggest drawing in ballpoint pen. The idea and technique of drawing virtual worlds ballpoint pen was born in 1997. Then we are all going through hard times, money for children's games did not have television was not enough, as both computers. Since I am from childhood loved building and town feeling of the atmosphere, somehow the age of seven painted in a conventional notebook house, then another, joined them expensive and has over the years developed its own independent technique of drawing with a ballpoint pen, from districts to the whole state with authentic infrastructure. I called it "Gorodasela." Subsequently, I decided to draw something unusual, which has never happened before. So I have a few months, working 10 hours a day, spending more than a dozen pens, created this project - a large ball-point pen drawing a total size of 2,52m * 1,8m or 4.5 sq.m. The peculiarity of it is plotting each millimeter of each object. All objects have their own elaborate fictional architecture and home design. Maximum "adjust" the scale. The most attention I paid to the infrastructure. In Figure recreated all the necessary infrastructure and other elements of modern life, the functioning of the modern metropolis. From shops and petrol stations to the airport, stadiums and other facilities, which are interconnected by a single system. There is a calculation of the number of objects to their best performance and high comfort for the inhabitants of an imaginary transport. There is plenty of shopping facilities, hotels, entertainment, gas stations, schools, police, fire departments and hospitals; robust and convenient transportation infrastructure (highways, roads, rail links and underground, etc.); There are factories, power plants...

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