Canvas, oil On a cloth the Petersburg artist has described a situation, developing decades – the oligarchs who have made a fortune by unfair means, leave the coast hastily, having taken luggage. Also take cover with stolen on foggy coast where them never will give out to Russian party together with their money. And in a picture of Belief Don-hilko as well as always in the allegorical form the oligarchy, forwarded that on coast left, on coast right is presented. The allegory used in a picture is simple and beautiful. The motive is taken from a song executed by A.B.Pugachevoj \"ferryman\" which words have been written N.Zinovevym. «The gray-haired ferryman / Separations so much on the earth connects coast and different destinies / Hope the ferryman / gives to people at dawn That protected the left is necessary to them that he protected right / Enamoured much one at a crossing», - is sung in a song. In a picture the ferryman bears a strong resemblance to Ilya Reznika and isn\'t casual: it not only Alla Borisovny\'s friend, but also character rather approaching for this role. Though I.Reznik also isn\'t the author of a song \"ferryman\", it as the author of many other hits A.Pugachevoj and simply successful type well approaches for an image of \"ferryman\". On the to a raft the ferryman transports the whole company of pigs – partly a generalized character fat отъевшихся rich men it is necessary for them to get over on that coast together with their riches, and that on this coast riches not to keep any more. Partly the image is concretized – two pigs on the right remind with a shame of the town governor driven from a warm Moscow throne and its not constraining in what the spouse. Пугачева and Galkin here, as well as in any other picture, don\'t mean itself are images of the country and trade which corrects processes, in it occurring. The woman in a work of art – the country, the Russian singer, is so much years acting on our scene and having ranks of the deserved and national actress as it is impossible well approaches for an embodiment of Russia. M.Galkin is presented to roles of god of trade – Merkurija (its attributes – a staff, winged sandals and wings behind the back). As the actor, M.Galkin can play everybody, especially, as the parodist, here it embodies the trade relations, correcting the country and its rich men – thirst of a profit forces them to leave the coast. All this amusing and ridiculous brotherhood moves from a generalized character of Russia (wooden many-domed church of Kizhi), to an image of England (to a favourite stronghold of oligarchs: Hodarkovsky, Berezovskys) – to Big-Benu and bank of England. And from heavens behind economic crimes, blessing them, known \"hypocrites\" - the Pope, the Mufti of Russia and the Patriarch of All Russia – they not observe all the last in the list of the most provided people of the world. The picture \"is seasoned\" by juicy details and filled small, but very exact acknowledgement to each image. For example, the pig Luzhkov sits in a cap for большей recognition, but thus under the left leg of an animal fur-tree branches – a symbol of funeral are enclosed, after all money only at correcting or is more exact at those who \"fills\", at the simple people, at left, they aren\'t present.