The structure of the flying

published on Sep 24, 11

Paper, watercolor pencils To some it may seem myth, someone - is nonsense, but the one who sees what I see, will not be able to rid myself of the feeling of a bright evidence of regularities of manifestation of these spaces, energy and knowledge in the noumenal phenomenon of symbolic meanings. Here, even the phenomenon of медитатуры after иературе (hierature) M. Schwartzman (Shvartsman) the shows. What quality of the works show the omens. Firstly, analysis and transfer of colour as the interior space, which has not only emotional resonance in our perception, but also describes the hierarchy of the color field and deletions-additions and свертываний. Secondly, the interpenetration of characters form and контрформы, as the object and the space around it, as a subject and enveloping his environment-\"air\", as the light and the shadow of one semantic forms, as piercing all and intermittent in проницаниях the other layers, and signs a single цветофигурный image. Thirdly, revealed unusual for иературы plastic, due to the greater dynamics of mutual influences and the flows of internal movement. There is the impression of the local simplicity of visual \"objects \"and, at the same time, their architectural unity as the equilibrium, and rhythmic. The main thing in this idea, that the small does not violate the integrity of the larger, and there is no particulars, does not affect the perception of the image and the logic of relations of all construction works. The first impression is that, think of the analogy of metaphysical holes, caused by the unknown and unexplained reasons, in these invisible subject\'s eye spaces, which may be perceived and how the layers, and as a shell, with the mutual penetration. But for this it is necessary to make an effort to proper perception. The impression such a \"дырявости\", even the fragmentation fades over time. Disappears as the eye of the observer learns to cover all shown significant space at once and as a whole, not dividing their perception of the individual zones. When this level is reached, then open the whole adorable severity of the image and the rhythmic validity of its plastics. Symbolic perception of not only color, but also glow fields, as аурирование iconic spaces, it is becoming clear.

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