Life of Insects

published on Jan 26, 11

Life of Insects The project contains 15 pictures, each 110×80 cm in size, made on the canvas with the acrylic paint in an author’s technique. All the works together perform united compositional space. Plastic forms of each picture don’t have limits, they smoothly overflow one into another creating an integral structure and suggesting an illusion of permanent, continuous rotation to an observer. A central canvas represents an image of a circle which itself has numerous connotations, meanings and interpretations. On the one hand the Circle generally symbolizes the Beginning and the End of everything existing in the world – it’s a starting point of life and its completion. On the other hand the symbol portrayed on the central canvas also may be regarded as a modified solar sign. Special solar energy and power of this sign is emphasized by the usage of golden patterns. This colour is also present in the images of the insects on all works as a symbol of vital energy which all living things get from the Sun. the combination of several circles in the composition on a central picture corresponds to a peculiar spiral – a symbol of progress, advance and eternal change. The development of everything in the word happens on a spiral principle where every turn is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Spiral is a symbol of life, cyclic rhythms, concentrated energy. Compositional structure of the central work is a concise model of the whole series. It’s like a prototype of an atomic structure and the Universe, micro- and macrocosm. Moreover semantic code of the series isn’t limited by this. There is drawn a parallel between the world of the insects and the human world. In these two separate worlds there function similar natural lows. It’s talked about the very beginning of the World, the origin of all living things, in other words about the time of Unity and Harmony on the Earth before the accession of chaos and ontological dissonance. All this proves an idea that in an offered series it’s quite logical to appeal to the origins of pristine, primitive art where an idea of the world unity was considered to be dominant. To make an intention fulfilled the author has selected proper elements, colour match, elaboration of details which all together let express main sense.