Русинов Владимир
on arts since 2009
Total Rating
\"Dedication to Rubens \".
21 6 -
\"Dedication to Rubens \".
12 3 -
\"Dedication to Rubens \".
8 2 -
Models for jewellers
31 5 -
\" Escape of Queen from the lo
89 40 -
"The Birth of a Queen"
41 21 -
Carved fireplace
17 4 -
Carved fragments for icon case
24 6 -
"Greek Warrior"
25 10 -
13 2 -
\ "Portrait of Richelieu \"
12 3 -
"Goddess Ceres"
13 -
"St. Peter and St. Apostle
17 6 -
"Jesus in a crown of thorns"
17 6 -
13 3 -
"The Virgin"
16 8 -
14 2 -
"Worship of the Magi"
9 2 -
22 7