Черкес Елена
on arts since 2011
sunflowers and Jerusalem artic
34 16 -
spring - birch
13 9 -
winter - birch
7 4 -
autumn - birch
4 -
bear in the forest
5 3 -
grape bunch
4 -
birch leaves
4 -
4 5 -
John the Baptist Church
11 9 -
3 4 -
in a reserved and dense forest
5 7 -
milky dream
19 7 -
in an enchanted swamp
4 6 -
hairy chenille
8 10 -
fruity-floral still life (
12 2 -
fruity-floral still life (
8 -
sunflowers, August
9 7 -
autumn sunflowers
17 15 -
10 3 -
Jesus Christ
5 4