Вячеслав Стеценко
on arts since 2013
Total Rating
Holy Healer Panteleimon
3Icon of the Mother of God of K
7Guardian Angel Icon
16 4Icon of the Savior Not Made by
14 2Icon of the Savior Shoulder
20 6Icon of the Most Holy Theotoko
20 2Icon of Saint Elijah the Proph
15Icon of Saint Hypatius of Gang
13 4Guardian Angel Icon
14Icon of Saint George the Pobed
7Icon of Saint George the Pobed
9 2Icon of Saint Hypatius of Gang
14 2Icon of the Mother of God Unfa
7 2Icon Venerable Seraphim Vyri
13Icon of the Holy Prince Gleb
10Icon Lord Almighty
11Archangel Gabriel
7 1Icon of the Archangel Gabriel
8 4Icon of the Savior Shoulder
9 2Icon of the Holy Blessed Princ